Join us on Sunday, September 22 in celebrating the Fall Equinox!
How to prepare
Reflect on the astronomical event of the Fall equinox. The equinox represents equilibrium, equality, and balance. Reflect on how these aspects show up in your life and how you’ll leverage the Fall equinox energies as you transition into a new season.
Dress in white and red comfortable clothing to be able to freely move around.
What to expect
Our ceremony calls for holding sacred space as people tap into rituals and energies. We expect participants to be mindful, present, and intentional about their engagement.
We will be guided through reflections to best tap into the energies of the season.
As a community, we will prepare the ceremony by building an altar together.
During ceremony, we will offer danzas and cantos together.
After ceremony, we will continue to foster community by share food and drink.
What to bring
Flowers for the community altar
Food and drink to share in community after the ceremony
Other items to ensure you are comfortable during our ceremony - chair, water, etc.